W.European Civ

  • History: The greatest temple in Rome. It stood atop the Capitoline Hill and overlooked the city.

  • Requirements: Temple.

  • Phase: City.

  • Special: Researches the 'Sibylline Books' special technology.

Civilization Bonuses

  • CB 1

    • History: The Romans commonly used the Testudo or "turtle" formation for defense: Legionaries were formed into hollow squares with twelve men on each side, standing so close together that their shields overlapped like fish scales.

    • Effect: Roman Legionaries can form a Testudo. The Legionaries at the front, back and sides hold their shields to the outside and the Legionaries in the Centre raise their shields above their heads. This formation provides improved protection against melee and ranged attacks. However, their movement rate is much slower. The formation button is only available for a group that consists exclusively of Roman Legionaries.

  • CB 2

    • History: Roman Citizenship was highly prized in the ancient world. Basic rights and privileges were afforded Roman citizens that were denied other conquered peoples. It is said that harming a Roman citizen was akin to harming Rome herself, and would cause the entire might of Rome to fall upon the perpetrator.

    • Effect: Any Roman citizen-soldier fighting within Roman territory gains a non-permanent +10% bonus in armor.

Team Bonus

  • TB 1

    • History: Being allied with Rome came with great benefits (as well as great peril).

    • Effect: Allied citizen-soldiers gain a +10% attack when in Roman territory.


  • Infantry: Strong. Among the strongest in the game, only Greeks in their splendor were better.

  • Cavalry: Not very good. Very few upgrades.

  • Naval: The Roman Navy wasn't powerful, but their advanced technology helped improving them.

  • Siege: Very powerful Siege. Romans were ready to attack every kind of fortress.

  • Economy: Many techs.

    • Farming: Above average.

    • Mining: Developed. Better than average.

    • Lumbering: Average.

    • Hunting: Below average.

    • Land Trade: Not as developed as Naval trade.

    • Naval Trade: After defeating the Carthaginians, Romans were the Masters of the Mediterranean sea. Developed.

  • Architecture: Advanced.

  • Defenses: Very powerful defensive systems.

Special Technologies

  • ST 1

    • History: In response to a Gallic-Germanic invasion, the great Gaius Marius reformed the Roman army, turning it from a part-time militia into a professional military force.

    • Effect:

      • All infantry (Hastatus, Principes, Veles, Triarius, Extraordinarius) instantly upgrade to Marian Legionnaires, a champion swordsman whose only citizen-soldier function is in the building of Army Camps, Siege Walls, and Fortresses. Furthermore, no longer can citizen-soldiers be trained, but rather only Marian Legionnaires. This has a large economic impact and is generally a late-game attempt at a game-changer.

      • Swift Numidian Cavalry unlocked.

  • ST 2

    • Specific Name: Libri Sibyllini

    • History: The Sibylline Books or 'Libri Sibyllini' were a collection of oracular utterances, set out in Greek hexameters, purchased from a sibyl by the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus, and consulted at momentous crises through the history of the Republic and the Empire.

    • Effect: All units and structures +25% vision range. All remaining technologies -50% cost and research time.

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