American Civ



Civilization Bonuses

CB 1

  • Generic Name: Emperor of Emperors

  • History: The Mauryan Empire encompassed dozens of formerly independent kingdoms over an area of 5 million square kilometers, with a population of close to 60 million people. The Mauryan rulers held the title "Emperor of Emperors" and commanded a standing army of 600,000 infantry, 9000 elephants, 8000 chariots, and 30,000 cavalry, making it arguably the largest army of its time.

  • Effect: Mauryans have a +10% population cap bonus (e.g., 330 pop cap instead of the usual 300).

CB 2

  • Generic Name: Warrior Caste.

  • History: Kshatriya or Kashtriya, meaning warrior, is one of the four varnas (social orders) in Hinduism. Traditionally Kshatriya constitute the military and ruling elite of the Vedic-Hindu social system outlined by the Vedas and the Laws of Manu. The earliest Vedic literature listed by organization of function, not of caste, the Kshatriya (holders of kแนฃatra, or authority) as first in rank, and the Brahmins second (priests and teachers of law), before the Vaisya (Cattle-herders, merchant-traders, farmers and some artisan castes), and the Sudra (laborers, some farming castes and other artisan castes).

  • Effect: Mauryans gain access to four champion units, instead of the standard 2.

Team Bonus


  • Name: Evangelism.

  • History: Ashoka the Great sent embassies West to spread knowledge of the Buddha.

  • Effect: All allied Temple technologies -50% cost and research time.


  • Infantry: Poor spearman (cheap fodder). Good swordsman. Best archer (slightly better than the Persian archer).

  • Cavalry: Poor. Nothing to match the cavalry of the Persians, for instance.

  • Naval: Very good. Almost all technologies.

  • Siege: No siege weapons or siege techs. Champion War Elephant takes the place of siege weapons.

  • Economy:

    • Farming: Good.

    • Mining: Average.

    • Lumbering: Good.

    • Hunting: Average.

    • Land Trade: Average.

    • Naval Trade: Good.

    • Architecture: Mediocre.

    • Defenses: Mediocre. Wooden walls; few defensive techs.

Special Technologies

ST 1

  • Generic Name: Elephant Roundup.

  • Effect: Mauryan units can "capture" Gaia elephants in the wild and garrison up to 5 of them inside the Elephant Stables. This unlocks the "Elephant Breeding" bonus that reduces elephant unit costs by 5% and train time by 5% for each garrisoned elephant for a total maximum bonus of 25%.

ST 2

  • Name: Archery Tradition.

  • History: India is a land of archery. The bulk of any Indian army is made up of highly skilled archers, armed with bamboo longbows.

  • Effect: Greater range and faster train time for Bamboo Longbowmen.

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